10 Ocak 2011

ince bir tebessüm

çıldırmasına ramak kala,
ısrar ve inatla,
yüzünde tebessümden bir çizgi görsterdi..

Mutlaka insanı,
tebessüm'e sürükleyen,
belki de zorlayan,
sessiz sevinçler vardır !

O'nu illa görmek gerekmez,
hissetmekte yeterli diye düşünüyorum !

3 yorum:

  1. who can always make me smile? who, who..:)
    Here I go
    Out to the sea again

    The sunshine fills my hair
    And dreams hang in the air
    Gulls in the sky
    And in my blue eyes
    I know it feels unfair
    There is magic everywhere
    Look at me standing here
    Here on my own again
    Up straight in the sunshine
    No need to run and hide
    It's a wonderful, wonderful life
    No need to laugh and cry
    It's a wonderful, wonderful life

    Sun's in your eyes
    The heat is in your hair
    They seem to hate you
    Because you are there

    And I need a friend
    Oh, oh, I need a friend
    To make me happy
    I stand here on my own
    Look at me standing here
    I'm here on my own again
    Up straight in the sunshine
    I need a friend
    Oh, I need a friend
    To make me happy
    Not so alone
    Look at me standing here
    I'm here on my own again
    Up straight in the sunshine

  2. It's a lovely song, right !


  3. sadece :) gülümseme yeter sanırım
