28 Ağustos 2009

Unwritten Words

A few months ago I bought this mute book. A present to someone I thought quite highly of, a little gesture from a dear friend. The idea was to encourage its tacit craving for writing – perhaps even a tale or an anecdote, who knows. What I do know is that it definitely would be a magnum opus. Although, I never got the chance to present it -cuz of some idiotic reasons- and now the mute papers are shattering in the void. I can't stay oblivious for it has been driving me nuts for weeks now. Silent but still very loud, loud indeed. It also would be prudent to ignore, except its taciturnity is almost deafening. Sigh--- in a nutshell: pursue ‘the dream’ for papers oughtn't to stay mute. Simply because writing is certainly a physical act, therapy and a genuine art. Nobel, honorable it is. About the book; this is not a random book for it was chosen cautiously. The color, the text on the cover which says ‘ohm’. In the Hindu language it means, ‘there is only one’. A suitable gift I thought. Anyway, it will be a delightful keep sake as it will be hidden somewhere in a drawer, or, I might -someday- start writing myself. Although, I don’t have such a desire for I am not a writer anyway.
As mentioned before, writing is such a fragile, delicate art, a physical act. A fine art which touches the soul, falling in love with your own creation it is. The sensual caress on the unwritten pages as well as the soft delicate strokes with your fingertips must be a genuine joy. It also should be done precisely, if so then holding the pen should be sensational, a breathtaking ecstasy. Besides, the pen should be held delicately for it is a fragile skill and let its fluid dance on the mute papers. Let it yearn with some heavy thrill. When they all mix together, the most amazing thing will happen, mind's eye will reveal itself and the mute will be heard. The sensuality of each and every word will be inhaled, so deep that one will gasp for more.

Just then …. then perhaps then there will be a magnum opus.

5 yorum:

  1. "Günümüzde yazanların çoğu inancını yitirmiş. Bir romanda enerji ve inanç hissedilebilmeli, bir kitap yazmak koparmada iki yüz kilo kaldırmak gibi olmalıdır. İşin en keyifli yanı da adamın damarlarının şiştiğini görmektir."

    Philippe Djian

  2. Yakinlarda elime o hissi tattiracak bir roman ulasacagindan eminim!

    Simdilik firinda, hele bir pissin :)

  3. bize de fısıldasan ismini o romanın da biz garibanlar da sebeplensek :)

  4. Raflara hazir oldugunda fisildarim :)

    Ilk önce senior garibanlar nasiplensin :)

  5. "There's nothing to stop a man from writing unless that man stops himself. If a man truly desires to write, then he will. Rejection and ridicule will only strengthen him. And the longer he is held back the stronger he will become, like a mass of rising water against a dam. There is no losing in writing, it will make your toes laugh
    as you sleep, it will make you stride like a tiger, it will fire the eye and put you face to face with death. You will die a fighter, you will be honored in hell. The luck of the word. Go with it, send it."

    Charles Bukowski
    (The Captain Is Out to Lunch and the Sailors Have Taken over the Ship)
